make your mark

your events


In recent years, there’s been an evolution in the way businesses interact with each other, their customers, and their networks. At a time where so many companies and start-ups are looking for fresh starts and new beginnings, events are becoming a critical tool for diversifying and reimagining brand awareness and engagement.

But event planning and management comes with a cost. It’s often stressful, time-consuming, and constantly blocked by hurdles.

This is where Consult Cleo comes in. You can leave any challenges to our team of quick-thinking problem-solvers, who are here to help you create a successful and engaging event. Instead of trying to juggle a hundred different suppliers, you can leave that to us. We’re your one point of contact for everything you need.

It leaves you free to capitalise on the opportunity, run a one-of-a-kind experience, build on your brand, and bring people together like never before.


Dynamic problem-solvers you can trust

Juggling your existing operations alongside exploring the fast-paced events industry can quickly spell disaster.

How can you ensure everything goes to plan?

Let us take the lead on all aspects of event management. We bring the strategic insight and industry experience needed to foresee challenges and find the solutions to make your event a success.

With extensive global event experience, our team is used to thinking on our feet and getting creative to deliver the best results

We understand exactly what you’ll need to maximise the value of each event in your calendar.

Flexible, tailored support

No matter your business objectives or goals, we work closely as part of your team create or reimagine your events. Not sure where to start? 

Maybe you want to launch an event, but don’t know what you need. Or maybe you’ve run a few events, but are struggling to get them to reach their goals. Whether you already have a team or need full support we become an extension of your operation and increase the experience and skill set at your disposal. 

You’ll also have access to our vast network of like-minded, forward-thinking event experts who we can call on to provide additional support no matter your brief. 


get started

Get in touch with our team today to start on your path to success. Reach out to find out more.